VoIP Business Phone Systems
Technology is continually expanding the telecommunications frontier. There are a multitude of office phone systems available. Are you confused by the buzz surrounding VoIP Phone Systems? Have you recently evaluated your business communication needs? With over 30 years of experience serving the West Coast, Document Technologies / Managed IT Services can help you determine the best way to improve your telecommunications systems.
Document Technologies / Managed IT Services helps businesses of all sizes with their office technology needs. We’ll help you determine if critical system units, voice over IP (VoIP), or hybrid office phone systems will work best for your business.
Business Phone Benefits
Stay in touch from virtually anywhere. With features such as built in Webinar, Conference Calling, Chat, Text, Voicemail to Email, Find-Me / Follow-Me call routing, etc. means your customers can contact you wherever you are, and you won’t miss any opportunities. Business is changing. Being in one location is not required anymore. Work from anywhere and be just as efficient.
When it comes to finding a business phone system that will effectively meet your needs, there are a lot of options available. The VoIP platform protocols has singlehandley changed the way many businesses have functioned. It is cost-effective, because one platform links all locations together so all employees can be connected regardless of location. While they share many similarities with traditional business phone systems, VoIP uses an internet connection to direct your phone calls through a data network. Furthermore, VoIP comes with the ability to integrate additional features such as video conferencing, fax, cloud services, voicemail to email, texting, instant messaging, full integration with Microsoft and many other software platforms.
Some of our telecommunication solutions include:
Enterprise Phone Systems
3cx Phone Systems
VoIP Phone Phoenix
Business Phone Solutions
To learn more about how our phone solutions can benefit your business, contact Document Technologies / Managed IT Services today!